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Strings are one of the most used and popular data types in Python. Strings are a collection of characters that allow us to communicatr information to the user of a program.

Creating Strings

You can thin of strings as basic English text such as names, words, and sentances. Strings are represented by wrapping text in a single quotes ' or double quotes " such as "Hello".

Here are some examples:

myStringSingle = 'This is a string with single quotes' # String with single quotes
myStringDouble = "This is a string with double quotes" # String with double quotes



String Concatenation is the process of "adding" strings together. You can achieve this by using the + between two Strings. Below is an example to further solidify your understanding.

# Creates 2 strings and concatenates them
x = "Erick is"
y = "a Mechanical Engineer"
z = x + y

# Prints the new sentence

String Multiplication

In Python you can multiply strings by a number using *. This operation returns a new string that dublicates the string by the number it's multiplied by. Example:

# Creates a string variable
x = "Example"

# Prints the string multiplied by 3
print(x * 3)

Multiline Strings

They may be a case where you have a really long string such as a paragraph and want it to span multiple lines in your IDE. You can wrap your text in """ or ''' to creat a multiline string.

# Creates a multiline string variable
longString = """TAMU SHPE Mission Statement: Enhance opportunities
for personal and professional growth through social and academic
responsibilities while holding true to the Aggie spirit."""

# Prints the multiline string