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There are several deliverables that will be due in this section. Create a word or google doc to write down and save your answers. Once you've completed the following deliverables, upload the Google or Word document to the shared team folder.

Here's a quick link to the Submission Page.

🙋‍♀️ Get to know your Team

For each of these questions, have everyone on your team share their answer one by one. In your document, please include what your thoughts of each other were before and after answering the questions. What did you learn about each other?

1. What is your Hometown?

2. What are some of your interesting hobbies (past or present)?

3. What was your first job (or dream job)?

4. Share an embarrassing story.

📸 Team Picture

Please spend some time to take and submit two team pictures. Who knows, we may give extra points for creativity 🤔

Upload the following images into your team's drive folder:

  1. Normal Team Picture
    • Name the file Team_#_Normal
  2. Creative/Funny Team Picture
    • Name the file Team_#_Creative

❓ Questions to Ask

The following questions are meant to help you solidify what your product will be used for and who will be using it. Please answer each question with 2-4 sentences and include your answers in a new section of your document.

1. Explain the main functionality of your product? 

2. Who is the target audience of this product?

3. Explain the need for your product and provide supporting research for your claim?

4. If similar products exist, list them and explain what makes your product better?

✅ Requirements

Define each of the following for your company and include your answers in a new section of your document.

Name: A good name is important for marketing, social media, and SEO (top Google results).

Mission: Declares the purpose of a company and how they serve their customers

Vision: Provides an idea of what you want your business to look like in the future. What are you striving for?

Core Values (List): The main principles that guide all of a company's actions. These values serve as its cultural cornerstones.

  • Explain what each of the core values means and how you will align them to your product and company.

📃 Roles

Read the description for each role and assign them to someone on the team who would best fit the position. In your document, please explain why each person was assigned to their role and why you believe they will succeed.

The positions and their descriptions are shown in the Company Roles page, check it out if you want a brief overview of their responsibilities.

Make sure to include:

  • CEO, CTO, CFO, CMO, and CSO